Some two years ago now, in readiness for the new Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005, we spent a huge amount of time and money making sure we got our renewal for our premises licence in by the deadline of 7th March 2008. Full drawings for the hotel had to be redone from scratch, forms were filled in, hoops were jumped through, "i"s were dotted and "t"s were crossed. Fees were paid. But given the importance we made sure it was done correctly and on time. All to make sure we were ready for 1st September 2009 when the new Act was due to take effect. There were also numerous other things to have in place by this time which I won't bore you with now.
So why tell you this? Well today (5th March 2010), we finally received our Premises Licence. That's the one that by law we had to have 7 months ago. Okay, we'd been assured we were legal and the licence had been approved if not yet issued. But that's two years to issue a license! Two years? And the funny part? Clachaig was one of the first wave of applications that had to be made. We're one of the first businesses in the area to get the licence issued. Most others are still waiting. The time, the stress, and the hassle this caused us back then. Ooh, it makes me mad! Two years! Does anyone have contact details for the Guinness Book of World Records?
Okay, rant over. Thanks for letting me get that off my chest. Time perhaps to chill over a pint or a dram, (now we can officially sell them).
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