We've heard a few stories recently about how this harsh winter has been affecting the local deer population. Being a deer can't be a whole lot of fun at the best of times. Dodging cars at 70mph on the A82 across Rannoch Moor, being rained on constantly and not being able to apply enough
Skin So Soft to escape the midgies.
However, this year its even less fun. With all the snow and the persistent frost, we're told that many red deer are in danger of starving to death, as the food supply is frozen. No surprise then, that the deer are coming down lower and getting a bit bolder when it comes to getting a nibble of grass.
These guys have been around the car parks and the chalets at
Clachaig since Friday, and don't seem that bothered about the many photographers queuing up to take their photos. Redcurrant Jelly anyone?
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